Category Archives: Site News

Site News

Update for 1/24/24

New review today for The Chosen One by Charles Brubaker, and it looks like I’ll actually have time for three reviews this week. Is it too late to use “Happy New Year” to celebrate this? Yeah, probably…

Update for 1/22/24

New review for definitely the biggest book I got at CXC last year, it’s the return of a crowd favorite, Carbon by Justin Madson!

Update for 1/18/24

New review today for Grapefruit by Ana Margarida Matos, as the mini kus reviews continue.

Update for 1/16/24

New review today for World on Fire by Cooklin, and yes, I’m still trying to get through my CXC pile in the new year. As always, eccentric millionaires, I’m always accepting donations to hire more reviewers/get me out of the workaday rat race. I don’t care how shady you are!

Update for 1/11/24

New review today for Piggy Fire by Darin Shuler, and you know that it’s also a mini kus book. Am I doing weekly reviews of their stuff again until I run out? Eh, maybe. We’ll see!

Update for 1/9/24

New review today for Insomnia Funnies by James Collier, which may of may not be available, depending on when you’re reading this. But come on, I’m sure you can at least see big chunks of it online if you look around. Right?

Update for 1/3/24

New review today for So Buttons #13 by Jonathan Baylis and his gaggle of artist friends. Start taking your bets now on the first time I forget the year for these updates! If I can get through January I’m usually golden…

Update for 1/1/24

I’m ringing in the new year with some mini kus! New review today for Gym Gains by Gareth Brookes.

Update for 12/21/23

New review today for Girls Named Meghan: A Teenage Memoir by Beth Heinly. I reviewed a few of her comics in anthologies in the before times (meaning the big update in 2010 that deleted all of the old review dates), but this is her first graphic novel that I’ve seen. Oh, and as for updates during the Xmas times, maybe? Maybe not next week, but probably the week after that. Or maybe both weeks. Who knows? It’ll be an Xmas miracle either way!

Update for 12/19/23

New review today for Fun Time Fall 2022 by Mike Dawson. I got both books I’m reviewing this week from Domino Books, which is an online shop that Austin English is running. Get your comics there, they have all kinds of great stuff.

Update for 12/15/23

New review today for Apoqueerlyptic by Mitch E. Viciuex, which was a healthy reminder that I should get to the local comic shops for review comics more often instead of waiting for random stuff to come in the mail. Not that I’m discouraging that practice, mind you…

Update for 12/12/23

New review today for Medieval Comics by Rob Jackson. One of these days I should add up how many reviews of his comics I’ve done over the years and see how close he is to being in the lead…

Update for 12/6/23

New review today for Far Tune: Winter by Terry Eisele and Brent Bowman. Remember the olden times when I wouldn’t post a review of somebody again before the initial review shuffled off the front page? No? Good. It would be weird if you did.

Update for 12/4/23

New review today for New Things by Lauren Barnett, and for those of you who don’t read the reviews but do read these weird little update thingies (a category of people I just made up), “new book by Lauren Barnett” is all you need to know.

Update for 11/30/23

New review today for Enough Nonsense by David Robertson and his trusty gang of comics pals, by which I mean artists. And probably pals, at least in some cases, why not?

Update for 11/28/23

New review today for The Re-Up #2 by Chad Bilyeu & Juliette de Wit. And yes, of course I’m still reviewing comics from CXC. I’d be surprised if I got through this stack before the end of the year.

Update for 11/22/23

New review today for Ha! Magazine by Robb Mirsky, which is a hefty pile of laughs to enjoy with your Thanksgiving meal.

Update for 11/20/23

New review today for Live From New York It’s So Buttons! by Jonathan Baylis, J.T. Yost and Jeremy Nguyen. Veering from the CXC pile to the mail pile this week, in case anybody was wondering…

Update for 11/15/23

New review today for Time Under Tension by M.S. Harkness. Was this another CXC week? I suppose it was. I’d actually planned on getting another review up this week to make up for lost time, but this one deserves a few days in the “spotlight” here all by itself.

Update for 11/13/23

Back from the election madness (not that it’s over for me, but it’s all behind the scenes stuff at work, not the kind of thing that makes headlines), and hey, good job Ohio! At least on the big stuff. New review today for In the City Part One by Karl Christian Krumpholz, another one of the people I saw at CXC this year, meant to go back to when he was less busy and… forgot. Screw it, next year I’ll just go to both days of the con so this doesn’t happen again. Sorry that you had to waste money on postage, Karl!