Monthly Archives: April 2005

Update for 4/29/05

Ah, screw it, it’s Friday. I’ll try to get something up over the weekend!

Update for 4/28/05

New review for Olde-Timey Hockey Tales #1 by Robert Ullman. Blah blah blah!

Update for 4/27/05

New update for Duane Cunningham & Michelle Arcand’s See Dick Die. So sleepy…

Update for 4/26/05

New reviews for Cornelia Cartoonz #7 by Kel Crum and The Magpie by Douglas Frey. Sorry about the lack of update yesterday, I had family in town and it was the first day back on the job for ye olde Board of Elections…

Update for 4/22/05

New reviews for Quondam by Barry Rodges and Hideous by Pat Lewis, which also both happen to be in the online store. And it’s the end of the month again, which means money is a bit tight AGAIN, so if you’d like to buy any comics and have the money to spare, now would be a fantastic time to do it. This shouldn’t be an issue after this month, as I’m starting to work again on Monday, it’s just that I don’t get paid from that for a few weeks, hence my dilemna. Tell you what: any orders I get in the next two weeks for more than $20 get a free mystery comic of some kind. Have a good weekend everybody!

Update for 4/21/05

New reviews for Nate Higley and Jim Mackey from SPACE. How’s your week going?

Higley, Nate – Photocopied Hearts #5


Photocopied Hearts #5

This seems to be a tough day to figure out the titles for the books for some reason. Sure, it’s called Photocopied Hearts, but there’s no clue on the inside as to what number it is, except the first story is titled #5… but the #5 on his website doesn’t look anything like this and is an anthology. Not that you care about any of this, but now you know. This is collection of stories, which are kind of all over the place. That can be a good sign or a bad sign, but it seems to show off his range in this one. The first story is about a man having a conversation with a friend on the street, and if I tell you more than that I’ll ruin it and it was a great conversation, so forget that. Then you have a girl who’s living on the streets and has a sanctuary of a public bathroom, mostly considering her life and seeing where she’s at. Next is the creepy story of the only Jew ever lynched in the US, and one more shortie about Jeffrey Dahmer going to the grocery store. This kept me interested the whole time and I loved the smudgy realism of the art. Let’s call it $5, check out the website and maybe you can figure out which issue this is…

Update for 4/20/05

New reviews for Johnny Public #1 by Sean Frost & Wendi Strang-Frost and Bad Eggs by John Oak Dalton. Go forums go!

Update for 4/19/05

New updates for Matt Kish with Spudd 64 #3 and the new Flame-Broiled from Matt Herzfeld & Nick Mercer. How about that new pope, huh� Should the world in general be worried about his whole experiment with the Hitler Youth back in 1941? Just curious…

Update for 4/18/05

Looks like the next couple of weeks will be mostly stuff I got at SPACE, so today is David Stanley and Joseph Morris. I didn’t get as much stuff as I have in some past years, due to a lack of money and a lack of people who were willing to just give me their books for review, but there’s still more than a few new comics over here…

Update for 4/17/05

All kinds of new stuff in the store, and here’s a list of names (some of these people already have stuff in the store, but they gave me NEW stuff): Pat Lewis, John Mejias, Jeffrey Manley, Donovan Cater, Matt Kish, Jeff Sharp, Suzanne Baumann, Eve Englezos & Joshua Moutray, Matthew Teardrop, Rafer Roberts and Barry Rodges. Whew! Also, my scanner has risen from the dead, hallelujah! So I should be able to go back to two reviews a day, at least until I get one of them pesky jobs…

Update for 4/15/05

There’s a rambling, meandering review for Tom Hart’s latest up today. I’ll try to have all the new stuff from SPACE up by the end of the weekend, if all goes as planned…

Update for 4/14/05

New review for Lonnie Allen’s Gen Eric, and sorry but I’m back to one review a day until I can get a new scanner in here. Also, it’s looking like I should have a whole bunch of new stuff available in the online store after SPACE this weekend, but I don’t want to name any names yet unless people run out of books before I can get some copies or anything like that. Still, if you’re one of those people who keeps an eye on the store for new stuff, this should be a very good weekend for you…

Update for 4/13/05

New review today for Damon Hurd & Tatiana Gill’s A Strange Day. Also, my scanner decided that it had had enough today, made a horrible death rattle and then was very still, so I’m not sure how the reviews are going to go for the immediate future around here. There’s no way that I can afford a new one for at least a month, so I’m probably going to have to nab images from comic websites, which might limit what I can do. If anybody has a functional scanner at home that they’re not using because they have a new one (no matter how crappy) or if anybody knows a good, cheap scanner out there, PLEASE contact me.

Update for 4/12/05

A new issues of Plastic Farm (#9) by Rafer Roberts and Untitled (Green) by JP Coovert are reviewed today. And, just in case I haven’t mentioned this prominently enough, if you’re going to be at SPACE this weekend and have books that you’d like to sell through my website, or just want to give me stuff to review, I’ll be wandering around. Just look for the guy with the long blond hair and glasses� There can’t be that many of us in the world, can there?

Update for 4/11/05

New reviews for Duppy by Ansis Purins and Sketchbook Diaries Volume 4 by James Kochalka. Anybody out there excited about SPACE yet?

Update for 4/8/05

New reviews for Blue Collar #2 by Craig Stephens and The Hed-Sed Murders by Douglas Frey. Happy weekend!

Update for 4/7/05

New reviews for Teen Boat #6 by John Green & Dave Roman and Things I Grew Up With In Vegas by Mark Todd. Also all of the Teen Boats are available again in the online store, for anybody out there who has $3 burning a hole in their wallet…

Update for 4/6/05

New books in the store from Grant Reynolds (but they’re sold as one book), Mover User 2/Oh, Goodness. As for reviews, well, a new one from Dana Jones called Product of the Eighties and Brandon Graham’s Escalator.

Update for 4/5/05

Reviews for The Soap Lady by Renee French and Revolution With a Catchy Phrase #5 by Pat Aulisio. RIP Illini…