Monthly Archives: December 2005

Update for 12/29/05

New review for King Cat #64 by John Porcellino, and I’m going to try and get another update in tomorrow but no promises…

Update for 12/27/05

New review for Dave B. vs Little League Umpire by David Bloodsaw, and you guys understand that things are probably going to be a bit slow around here until the holidays are over, right�

Update for 12/22/05

New review for School #1 by Brian Defferding, and this is it for me until after Christmas, so happy holidays!

Update for 12/21/05

New review for Lucky Comix #5 by Mark Cunningham…

Update for 12/20/05

New review for Bridge Cop by Matthew Thurber.  And if anybody wants to get me something for the holidays, how about doing a user review?  I feel myself coming up on a rut with this whole thing and would love it if other people would ramble for a bit…

Update for 12/19/05

New review for Mercury Lounge by Marcos Perez. One more week until you get to stop listening to Christmas songs everywhere you go!

Update for 12/15/05

New review for Untamed Highway #2 by Shawn Dickinson & Noah Snodgrass.  Happy birthday Joe!

Update for 12/14/05

New review for You Want To Know How I Make Comics?!!? by David Yoder. Also, would anybody out there care if the forums here were shut down for good? Your silence will equal consent in this instance…

Update for 12/13/05

New review for The Mighty Offenders #2 by Don McInturff, Tod Parkhill and Joey Mason. Sorry about yesterday, I’ve been as sick as the proverbial dog all weekend and didn’t have the energy to do much of anything yesterday…

Update for 12/9/05

New review for The Secret Voice #1 by Zack Soto. It’s the second one on the page, as it’s the same name as his mini. Happy weekend!

Update for 12/07/05

New review for Apollo Astro #6 by Jack Turnbull, and who else is already completely sick of all this holiday music? Humbug!

Update for 12/6/05

New review for Lackluster World #2 by Eric Adams, and happy St. Nicholaus day for you folks who know what that is…

Update for 12/05/05

New review for Daily Compulsion #3 by Nathan Rice!

Update for 12/2/05

New review for Friends #2 by Francois Vigneault. Happy weekend all!