Monthly Archives: February 2007

Update for 2/28/07

New review for the And Then One Day #5 Sketchbook by Ryan Claytor, also available in the online store. 

Update for 2/27/07

New review for Zeek The Martian Geek Full Color Special by Brian Cattapan, which is also available in the online store. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of Brian’s page to find it, he has a lot of comics in there…

Update for 2/23/07

New review for Unlovable #3 by Esther Pearl Watson, and this one has the best cover yet.

Update for 2/21/07

New review for Underpanting by Matt Wiegle, and there is some possibility that you can figure out what this one is about from the title…

Update for 2/20/07

New review for English Conversation #1 by Dongery…

Update for 2/19/07

New review for Manhole #2 by Mardou, and an actual reader review! Francois Vigneault reviewed Spacecase by Tim Le Jeunesse, with pictures and everything. See everyone, look how easy it is for you to talk about your favorite comics on an actual website! What’s that you say, the appeal of that died out years ago? Party poopers…

Update for 2/15/07

New review for Amber by Jamie Tanner…

Update for 2/14/07

Yep, another snow day (the county offices didn’t close, but everything else in the city did so screw ’em), so two more reviews: Faux-Pas #2 by Sam Gaskin and Window #9 by Dave Lapp.

Update for 2/13/07

Special snow day edition, here’s P.S. Comics #2 by Melanie Lewis and I Hate My Mom’s Cat And Other Tails by Corinne Mucha. Looking at the Weather Channel there might be another one of these tomorrow but we’ll see…

Update for 2/12/07

New review for Absolute Power by Joe Sayers, and most of the things I’ll be yapping about for the next few weeks will be things purchased from the fine folks at USS Catastrophe, in case anybody was curious…

Update for 2/8/07

New review for A Bad Time For A Polar Bear by Sarah Morean…

Update for 2/7/06

New review for Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs by Steve Steiner, and the site is now open for zines, although I do have to warn you that your poetry zine probably won’t go over very well…

Update for 2/5/07

New review for Panel: Myth by Various folks mostly out of Ohio, and there should be a pile of new comics coming this week, so the updates should be a little less sporadic…
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Update for 2/1/07

New review for Fever by Christopher Pelrine, who was nice enough to send a comic along for me to review after I pleaded for it here (hint, hint).