Monthly Archives: November 2007

Update for 11/28/07

Have I mentioned that this is another week of 12 hour work days? Well it is, meaning that I’ll get things caught up around here probably this weekend. Just mentioning it in case anybody was curious about the lack of updates…

Update for 11/26/07

New reviews for Pigeon Toad by Gubba and Strange Science Fiction by Matthew McDaniel. And so much for the extra posting over the holidays, but I had a nice, relaxing time working through most of it. Have I mentioned that I’m thinking about selling bundles of old comics in the online store? Is there anybody out there who would be interested in such a thing? I’m talking everything from piles of old minis to a complete set of Web of Spiderman up to around #100. If anybody wants to say “go for it!” or “don’t be stupid!”, well, I’m listening. If nobody responds I’ll probably do it anyway…

Update for 11/20/07

New review for Eye of the Majestic Creature #2 by Leslie Stein, and can whoever is in charge of the planet please pick a season and stick with it? Thanks…

Update for 11/19/07

New review for The Legend of Countess Saddenbrau by Katie Skelly, and there may or may not be a lag in reviewing this week, depending on work schedule. So there may be one more thing to keep you busy at Thanksgiving dinner on the interwebs…
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Update for 11/16/07

New review for On The Banks Of The Mighty Croal by Rob Jackson and happy weekend everybody!

Update for 11/14/07

New review for The Evil Inside #1 by Bart Thompson and various artists.

Update for 11/13/07

New review for Only Skin #2 by Sean Ford, and remember everybody, new comics go to the new address: 97 W. Tulane Rd, Columbus, OH 43202. Still not getting any forwarded mail, two weeks and change after it said I would be. If anybody out there has any insight as to why that might be (good luck trying to talk to an actual human associated with the US postal service), an e-mail would be greatly appreciated.

Update for 11/12/07

Did I mention that we’re still doing occasional 12 hour shifts at work?Oops.� Anyway, NOW things should be back to normal, until that changes suddenly tomorrow, or until I finally give up on the whole “normal” concept altogether. New reviews today for Nibble #4 by Tom Cherry and Magic Hour #1 by Alex Holden. And there’s even something new in the store: Delicate Axiom #1 by Richy Chandler.

Update for 11/8/07

New review for Everyone Laughs at the Crocodile Man Book 1 by Steve Steiner. So what else is everybody doing with all the new free time from the lack of Daily Shows and Colbert Reports?

Update for 11/7/07

Yes, I am still alive.  No internet for a week and a half, then an election to get ready for, but things should be back to normal now.  New updates today for Clearance Items Only by David Beyer Jr and Media Report Comix by Richard Krauss.  I should also point out that the calender involving Richard Krauss is available in the online store and it started at the beginning of November, for anybody who is interested.  Also, my new address is: 97 W. Tulane Rd, Columbus, Ohio, 43202.  The post office still isn’t forwarding my mail, so PLEASE send new books to this address.  I’m hoping I can still get whatever mail I received during the last week somehow…
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