Monthly Archives: November 2008

Update for 11/29/08

New review for Capacity by Theo Ellsworth, another in the indispensable pile of graphic novels from Secret Acres.

Update for 11/28/08

New reviews for Favorites by Susie Cagle and Candy or Medicine #5 edited by Josh Blair and featuring all kinds of people.  And for those of you who are curious, “regular updates”, at least for this week, means one review a day for the week (including the weekend), but with days off for me to enjoy the holiday.  I doubt that anybody out there cares quite that much, but thought I’d throw it out there…

Update for 11/26/08

New reviews for Jumbly Junkery #5 by L. Nichols and Hot & Cold Running Ghosts by Grant Reynolds.  I’m sticking around for the holiday, so there should be regular updates the rest of the week (and that probably means the weekend) to try and make up for lost time.

Update for 11/24/08

Look, I’m still alive!  My check last week, for those of you who think I’m faking, was for 157 hours over two weeks.  My check in two weeks, assuming I live that long, will be for 156 hours over two weeks.  Do the math and you’ll see how ridiculous that schedule was (hint: normal people work 80 hours over two weeks).  New review today for Ngaitana! by Lupi Miguinti and yes, I do have a pile of comics to get through.  I’ll try to make up for lost time over the next couple of weeks.

Update for 11/5/08

New review for Ramona & Imogene by Erin Griffin.  In case anybody was wondering, the grand total for yesterday was one 22 hour shift, and I’ll have to deal with provisional ballots until at least the end of the week.  After that it’s back to normal around here, for real.  And again, anybody who was WordPress skills, a lifetime 50% discount on all the mini comics I sell wouldn’t be a bad thing to have.  Get ahold of me and for the cost of a little practical advice (and probably some technical work, but I’ll do all the heavy lifting) the discount is yours!