Monthly Archives: December 2009

Update for 12/29/09

No reviews today, as I’m leaving town early for a funeral and then staying gone for the holiday weekend.  So to anybody reading this, I have a few questions for you.  Do you have comics on this site that have been reviewed by me?  If so, would you be OK with me using them in my comic rental idea (scroll down the main page for details), as I would be renting my copy to people and linking to your page for anybody who wanted to just buy your comic straight away?  If you’ve already indicated that you’d be OK with this but have other comics friends, would you be a dear and see if it would be OK with them too?  I have big plans for this site for next year, but the comics rental thing is the biggest, and if there are any legal (hey lawyers, you can write in too to tell me if I’m on the right side of the law here) or moral problems I’d love to figure all that out before I really dig in.  Oh, and send everything to, obviously.  Happy New Year everybody!

Update for 12/28/09

New review for Liquid Sunshine by Various Artists, and another reminder that something has to be done with that Various Artists page, as it’s comically huge at this point.

Update for 12/27/09

New review today for In the Name of Love (R. Kelly Comics) by Scott Longo, and yes, I did take some time off reviewing for the holiday.  Hey, I think I came pretty close with my New Year’s resolution from January of updating every single day this year (or at least making up for it when I missed a day), so I think I earned a bit of slacking at the end of the year.  Keep those ideas coming for the comics rental program, as I’m starting to think this could work extremely well.  I’ve been trying to organize my old minis and I have tons of stuff that was never even put on this page, and plenty of them should be seen by as many people as possible.

Update for 12/24/09

New review for Windy Corner Magazine edited by Austin English, also available in the store but you are totally out of luck if you want it by Christmas.  Not sure about the posting schedule around here over the weekend, but the weather may keep me around here after all.  If that’s the case I’ll probably post a review or two but will generally just take it easy.  Keep sending those thoughts on the comic rental idea though (and if you’d be OK with me using the review copies any of you sent me along with any issues I’ve purchased over the years for this project).   Happy Christmas!

Update for 12/23/09

New reviews today for Thunder Island #1 by Tim Brown and Great Deeds Against the Dead #2 by Rob Jackson, as I try to make up for lost time this week.  Hey, I’m an actual person, not a comic reviewing machine, and this time of year is hectic for everybody.  Also, keep those thoughts coming on my idea of a comic rental system, as I’m getting some great feedback.  Here’s one thing you can do if you have no strong opinion: would you be OK (as I’m guessing a number of you reading this have comics listed at this site) with me using your comics in this rental plan?  I’d have a “buy now” link that would lead directly to either your website or your publisher’s website, in case somebody wanted to buy your comic after reading it through the rental program.  Would anybody have a problem with this?  If so, why?  If not, why not?  It seems like an idea that could work, but I don’t want to step on any toes here…

Update for 12/20/09

New review for Life Meter edited by Dave Roman and containing all sorts of folks.  OK readers, I want some feedback.  I’m looking at a few changes and wanted to get some opinions, so if you come here on a regular basis or just want to throw in your two cents, I’m exploring my options about making the site better and something that I could maybe even make a living off of eventually.  Would advertising alienate any of you?  I’m talking about things like the little Google ads along the side, not the obnoxious popups.  How about some sort of a yearly membership fee, something like $1 or $2 a month?  I’m guessing that one is out, what with all the free content out there and all.  But here’s what I’m really working on: a comic rental process.  It would be just what it sounds like: for a monthly fee anybody who subscribed to it would get comics delivered to their door with a prepaid return envelope in it.  Read your comics (if you wanted to buy any of them that would be made easy as well), put them back in an envelope and I’d send you your next pile when they came back to me.  Full comics on website are fine and all, but I’m trying to keep the actual paper part of comics alive and think that the biggest obstacle to buying comics is the price and not knowing what you’re getting.  Hey, I do this for a “living” and I still won’t buy a $6 tiny mini unless I’m already a fan of the creator.  This would be a means for people to read all sorts of things they’d never get a chance to see otherwise.  Opinions?  Please get back to me at  Barring some kind of unanticapated legal problem I’m most likely going through with the rental idea, but I really want to know what you all think.  No update tommorrow as I’m going to let this message sit at the top of the page for a while, back to normal on Tuesday.

Green, John & Roman, Dave


Set of Teen Boat #1-6 $4

Teen Boat #1 Now Available! $.75

Back to the beginning?  It’s been awhile since I’ve read this, essentially the origin story for Teen Boat.  This tells the tale of the young Boat growing up (in flashback form, sprouting barnacles and propellers at odd times), then getting found out at school.  Naturally, as a young outcast who’s desperate to impress a pretty girl, he accepts the invitation of a group of jocks to let them use him as a party boat.  Soon, however, they get far enough from shore for some illegal activities to start occurring, and this moral dilemma is where we’re left at the end of the first issue.  The series improved over the years, granted, but it was pretty well perfect to begin with.  This was made in 2001 and it astounds me to think that people who love comics (and also have a sense of humor; sadly, they’re not necessarily the same people) might not have heard of this by now… which is why I’m bringing it up again.

Teen Boat #2 Now Availalble! $.75

Again, I have no idea how so many books in the store slip through the cracks on this site, but here it is in 2009 and I never bothered to ramble about Teen Boat #2.  Seeing as how pirates are all the news right now (the actual, terrifying kind, not the lovable Disney rogues), why not get to it?  Bad things first: the pages in my copy aren’t printed in the correct order.  This is shocking to me because I’ve sold all kinds of copies of this series and it’s been out for years, so you’d think that little thing would have been fixed by now.  This is a continuation of #1, and in this issue Teen Boat sails out over international waters with a good chunk of his school (and the girl of his dreams) aboard, and they are quickly set upon by pirates.  The students see that offering a Teen Boat in trade to the pirates would be a very useful thing indeed, but can’t convince him to transform… until an evil iceberg hits him and knocks him into human form.  The pirates have the same problem with the iceberg, and things get dicey from there, as Teen Boat can’t seem to transform in extreme cold.  Just telling the specifics leaves out all the wonderful conversations in here, like the student mistaking the meaning of the word “booty” (an obvious joke, granted, but still funny when done right) or some of the pirates falling out of character.  For the three people who read this website on a regular basis and still haven’t checked these comics out, I don’t know how many times I have to mention this, but the only person you’re hurting is yourself.  $.75

Teen Boat #3 Now Available! $.75

Before I begin, everybody can read the slogan at the bottom of the cover, right? It’s hard to get much better than that. If you think that anything about this series is even a little bit serious, that’s not the case. The kid turns into a boat, how serious do you expect it to be? Teen Boat desperately seeks the approval of his classmates (and the love of a foreign exchange student), so he uses his powers to… um, “boat” all the cool kids into international waters in the first couple of issues for gambling purposes, after which they’re attacked by pirates. One iceberg and Coast Guard rescue later and Teen Boat is back in school, being made fun of by all the cool kids. This issue deals with that, and also shows that he can’t control his powers when water penetrates his ear. For the most part this is funny, absurd stuff. The art’s flawless, the writing is crisp and delicious, and they can even make it look cool when the kid transforms into a boat.

Teen Boat #4 Now Available! $.75

This is about as flawless an issue as anybody could hope for. Sure, it’s only eight pages, but those pages were just about perfect. Teen Boat travels to Venice with his Yacht Club, hoping to find out if he belongs at sea or on land. He soon meets a talking gondola and falls for her/it, but this only makes him more confused. You’ll have to read it to find out why. Honestly, there’s no reason not to. You could send these guys $4.00 (the shipping gets expensive, relatively speaking) and get the whole run of this comic up until this point. Hell, you could spend that on a single issue of most of the regular independent series. The art is gorgeous, the writing is funny and, as I said, just about perfect. I want to quote every line is this book to convince you to get it, but it’s best to leave them for you to discover as these books are tiny. Hey, here’s a complaint: make the books bigger! It’s hard to consider that a complaint, but it’s the best I can do. Contact info is up there, what are you waiting for?

Teen Boat #5 Now Available! $.75

And here I was looking for a fight in this issue, what with that provocative cover and all. No such luck. Still another solid issue, don’t get me wrong or anything, but I was looking for more mayhem. What you have is Teen Boat trying to figure out how he could ever love a normal girl and how he could ever love a gondola. More on the “angst” and less on the “thrill” this issue, I guess you could say. Still, 8 pages of angst probably makes a lot of sense in terms of the general overall story, and might help the pacing a bit for a graphic novel. Oh, let’s be honest. I’m just annoyed that there are no more pirates.

Teen Boat #6 Now Available! $.75

Is this the end of Teen Boat? Who knows, but I sure hope not. How’s that for an evasive answer? This one, as you can probably tell by the cover, is all about Teen Boat deciding to run for class president. My favorite sign had to be “Vote for the schooner and you’ll graduate sooner!”, but there were more than a few good ones. Oh, and I should also mention that he’s running against the most popular guy in school who also happens to be on the football team and throws great parties. How’s that for drama? Good stuff again, as if that’s a shock to anybody who’s been reading this series.

Teen Boat #7 Now Available! $2

All is well in the world again, as not one but two Teen Boat’s I’d never seen arrived in the mail today. They’re twice the size of the old Teen Boat’s and this one even has a cliffhanger ending that’s, well, spoiled a bit if you scroll down and check out the cover to #8, but oh well, that’s a spoiler I can live with. As for this issue, Teen Boat learns that the only way to a woman’s heart (at least in high school, insert snarky comment about adult women here if you wish) is through the ability to drive a car, so he takes steps to learn these skills. Naturally being out of the water is not something that comes naturally to young Teen Boat, but he’s able to learn what he needs to know and even has the driving test going smoothly. At least he does UNTIL… I can say no more. But what needs to be said? Who doesn’t know by now that Teen Boat is one of the goofiest, funniest and downright cheeringupingest books in the world? #7 ranks with the best in the series, and after seeing that cover I have the same high hopes for #8. It’s a bit pricier than the old books, mostly because it’s huge in relation to #1-6, and the old books were ridiculously cheap to begin with. $2

Teen Boat #8 Now Available! $2

So, what happened? Did Teen Boat live through that horrific explosion or what? Well, what do you think, I’m here to tell you the answer to that question? This issue deals with the aftermath of the explosion, the fight to save his life, and how young Teen Boat becomes a man. Aw crap, I ruined the suspense of whether or not he made it. Nothing here but a fantastic story, the highlight quote to me being “This kid is literally in pieces… I can’t tell what part is teen and what part is boat.” This may be the end of the series, or at least it’s a logical place to end things, if that’s what they want. Me, I’d be happy with years of College Boat, Young Professional Boat and Midlife Crisis Boat. With #8 of this amazing series I feel like I shouldn’t even have to mention this any more, but anybody who isn’t reading this is only hurting themselves. $2

Astronaut Elementary #1 (Dave Roman only) Now Available! $.75

The reviews start with #3 for this series?  Really?  Somebody needs to talk to management about this lack of order around here.  Well, this is the first (long overdue) step to correcting that problem.  This issue introduces some characters that we all know and love from the rest of the series  There’s Miyumi San (trying to avoid the attentions of a boy who thinks he’s hot stuff with any male who’s in the vicinity), Hakata Soy (getting used to school while dreaming of his true calling in the head of a giant robot), and Doug Hiro (enjoying the vastness of space).  Miyumi is the star of this issue, as she also gets another story dealing with her dinosaur driving lessons and her race against the jerky rich girl.  All of this is told in the style of an anime cartoon, of course, so the dialogue is hilarious, exclamations are common and nothing outrageous is ever seen an anything but completely normal.  That dialogue really deserves all the praise I can give it, as you can say damned near anything in this out loud and chuckle.  For example, when Miyumi is picking out a dinosaur for the race, one dinosaur licks her face.  Miyumi says “He he – You must be smart because you knew I’d taste good!  That makes us friends!”  Is that what makes the panel great, or is her giant thumbs up sign, her anime eyes of that huge grin?  Maybe it’s all the things put together, which is why comics are so great.  I’m sticking with that theory.  $.75

Astronaut Elementary #2 (Dave Roman only) Now Available! $.75

If you’re going to do an anime series, it’s only a matter of time before you get to the part about the smaller robots forming into a giant robot body.  Kids, ask your parents (unless they still make Voltron and similar things, I have no idea).  This issue is theoretically dedicated to Maribelle Mellonbelly (the richest and most popular girl in school), as she tries to find out more about her newest crush, Hakata Soy.  Regular readers of this series will remember Hakata from the last issue, and this time his role as the head of a giant robot is examined in more detail.  Another girl tells Maribelle the story of how Hakata (along with his other buddies in robots) saved her village and all of the bunny people inside of it by fighting off an evil group of invading bird people.  Once again the dialogue is absolutely perfect, and meant to be said out loud with an exclamation point!  If you’ve never seen anime that won’t make a lick of sense, but trust me on this one.  If feels like Teen Boat got most of the love on this page, but this series is fantastic, and going back and reading the early issues has helped drive that point home.  Get these in their collected editions or get them in the regular issues, but the important thing is to get them.  Unless you hate anime, but even then (as I’m not a big fan) there’s plenty to like about this series.  $.75

Astronaut Elementary #3 (Dave Roman only) Now Available! $.75

Everybody out there like anime? If the answer is “no”, you probably shouldn’t bother with this series. If the answer is “yes”, or is you just like ridiculous dialogue and incredibly cute characters, maybe you should give this a chance. These issues all stand alone, and they’re all about different kids going through their days at their school, which just so happens to be in space. This issue has a kid who won’t take his space helmet off, a girl who has a crush on her teacher, a boy who builds a robot, and the kid with the helmet becoming the king of space. The art’s adorable, the stories are a lot of fun (especially if you’ve been raised on anime), it’s just an all around good time. Here’s some contact info, explore!

Astronaut Elementary #4 Now Available! $.75

Time travel! Violence! A panda for a teacher, and on the day that the heroine wears her panda hat, no less! And, of course, a villain! All these things add up to the plot of #4 of this series, such as it is. Sorry about all the exclamation points, but this series just makes me giddy. The dialogue is very true to anime, or at least the anime I’ve seen, and I love the constant random goings-on. Don’t try to puzzle out the whole space-time continuum problems with there being multiple versions of the same person in here though, your head might explode. Good stuff as always, there are also collections of these issues now up in the online store for those of you who like their Astronaut Elementary in neat little packages…

Astronaut Elementary Book One (#1, 2, 3, & 4) Now Available! $3

Astronaut Elementary Book Two (#5, 6 & 7) Now Available! $3

Let’s say you’re having a lousy day, and why not? It’s possible, even likely sometimes, depending on your job, social life, the state of the world, all that. I defy anyone to read this collection and still feel lousy. You could flip through these and just read the little blurbs on posters and other items in the backgrounds and be amused, then when you stop to actually read the dialogue, well, your soul would have to be awfully black to not get at least a few dozen chuckles out of this. And sure, it is technically an “all ages” type of book, but unlike a whole bunch of things in that genre, here it doesn’t automatically also mean “stupid to all adults”. Anything but. It’s an introduction to a few more of the students at Astronaut Elementary and their various quests, like destroying a student and the endless harassment by Team Feety Pajamas. We also get to meet the principal and be impressed by his giant sword, watch Spike with his fruitless crushes on the school boys, and see the richest girl in school. All of these things tie together in some ways, or sometimes not, but it’s not really relevant. These are a pure joy to read and I have almost no interest in any sort of a larger story, which is rare for me. Can you tell yet that I’m totally sold on these things now? If you’re a complete cynic, I guess you can skip these, although they may very well cure you. Other than that, there’s no reason in the world not to check them out, and you can get all sorts of free samples on their website if you’re too cheap to actually pay for them…

Life Meter #1 (by Various Artists including Dave Roman) Now Available! $6

I’m guessing that most people reading this are between 20 and 45, and if that’s the case most of you have played video games on a fairly regular basis at some point in your life.  If you’re male you almost certainly grew up with them.  Yes, that may be a sweeping generalization, I’m just speaking of all the male friends I have.  This book is a collection of short pieces about video games, so that long winded intro was to tell those of you who have never played video games that you will be utterly lost reading this comic.  It even dealt with any concerns I’ve had about anthologies, as all the pages are numbered, there’s a table of contents and it even lists the video games on which these pieces are based.  Hey, I’m practically an expert on old video games and even I needed the occasional hint.  Stories in here include a day in the life of Frogger (by Dan Abdo), Debbie Huey’s take on the obsession of Toad from the Mario games, Faith Erin Hicks has a continuing series about a horny fangirl who is hiding out from zombies, Dave Roman shows us what’s inside the Moto Bug (in one of those pieces that flew right over my head), Jamie Dee Galey shows us the dangers of shaking trees, Phil McAndrew has a piece on Pac-Man commiseration, and Lea Hernandez tells us all about Mickey’s ghetto booty from Kingdom Hearts II.  There are also full page (or half page) comics about various assorted video games that’ll be better left as a surprise, but I have to mention the highlight of the comic: Jacob Chabot’s piece on Burger Time.  I don’t think you even need to have played the game to love this strip, as we are treated to an origin story of the chef from Burger Time and shown that a man with a spatula and a salt shaker can, in fact, be a bad ass.  If you don’t have some love in your heart for video games this comic probably won’t do a thing for you, but if you do it’s hard not to love it.

Ron Weasley and the Ewok Invasion #2

Why #2 when there was clearly no #1? No idea. This is one of those cases where the cover tells you everything you need to know. If you like the idea of the Ewoks invading Hogwarts (and Dave and John make very clear that this is just for their own amusement and that nobody involved should sue them), and if you especially love the idea of the people responsible for Teen Boat and Astronaut Elementary doing said story, then there’s no reason in the world for you not to check this out. There are also a couple of bonus stories, one detailing the morning routine of the Weasley household (as told by Ginny Weasley, written and drawn by actual person Marion Vitus) and one a short Jax Epoch story. I also just noticed that I have two copies of this and no price, so how about this: the next person who orders a complete set of Teen Boat books gets my extra copy. If there’s a mad rush with people ordering sets left and right, don’t worry, I’ll throw something extra in for everybody who gets an order in before I update the website again. If nobody orders any copies, well, then this extra copy will just have to gather dust until somebody does.

Update for 12/19/09

New review for Dan Taylor’s Ten Itty Bitty Shitty Pieces of Art, and the title refers more to the show where Dan unveiled these pieces rather than the quality of the art.  Oh, and you can buy it in the store.  If you’re still hoping to get some comics from me in time for Christmas, I’ll bring any last minute orders to the post office on Monday and do what I can to get them to you in time, after that there’s very little chance of them arriving in time.

Update for 12/18/09

New review for Worms #5 by Brian John Mitchell & Kimberlee Traub, and if you’re wondering how you too could get over a dozen comics onto this page over the course of a year, here’s all you have to do: make over a dozen comics over the course of a year and send them to me.  Good luck!

Update for 12/17/09

New review for Ghost Jar #1 by Britney Sabo, and I keep forgetting to mention that Hans Rickheit has original pages of art he’s trying to sell to help pay for a move, so if you’ve read his work and would like an original piece for yourself, help the man out why don’t you?   While I’m pushing comics, for all you procrastinators out there, you have until this weekend if you want to order comics in time for the holidays.  After that I can offer no guarantees about it getting to you on time…

Update for 12/16/09

New reviews today for Untitled by Pat Aulisio and Gross Jams by Kris Lachowski, Mary Lachowski & Justin Lynch.  I also posted the review yesterday for Lauren Barnett pretty late, so you might have missed it, and you’ll really regret it if you don’t at least see her title.

Update for 12/15/09

Sorry about the missed reviews lately, but hey, this is kind of a busy time of year.  I should have time to make up for them soon, maybe this weekend if all goes well.  New review today for I’d Sure Like Some Fucking Pancakes by Lauren Barnett and yes, I did pick that one to review solely because of the title.

Update for 12/13/09

New review for Hoax #5, edited by Karl Kressbach and featuring Nate Neal, Lydia Gregg and Ben Carrico.  Oh, and you can buy this in the store too.

Update for 12/12/09

New review for The Airy Tales by Ola Volozova, available in the online store, and yes, I’m doing another “all things you can buy” weekend.

Update for 12/10/09

New review for Astronaut Elementary #2 by Dave Roman (also available in the store), as I continue to try to nudge you people to buy comics for Christmas.  What, you don’t know anybody who would like some mini comics in their stocking?

Update for 12/9/09

New review for Blammo #5 by Noah Van Sciver, and I was finally able to spell his name without looking at the cover, so huzzah to me!

Update for 12/8/09

New review for Decaff Blues #2 by Ed Jackson.  If anybody out there still needs Christmas comics, click on that little store tab up there and go nuts.  Guaranteed to get there in time for the holiday if you order before the 20th!

Jackson, Ed – Hard Times #9



Hard Times #9

Regular readers of this site probably already figured out that I occasionally wander all over the map from review to review.  For example, if you look up at the review for the last issue, I said that all the unerased pencil lines grew on me after awhile, that they fleshed out the characters.  This time around, it gets on my nerves in  a big way.  It just looks like crap way too much of the time, and while an argument could be made for leaving some of the lines on the characters, when you’re forgetting to erase the pencil lines under whole blocks of text, it makes the comic almost impossible to read.  So how about the content?  It’s the same format, except this time it’s an over the hill superhero trying to make an honest living.  He gets his first paycheck (and considers real estate fraud), tries life as a telemarketer, gives up and gets drunk, considers becoming a super villain, and eventually starts up an internet business and makes a few book.  These are all four panel strips, mostly with some form of a punchline at the end.  Some are funny, some not so much, but they’re all at least decent.  Sadly, none of it matters as those pencil lines just wore me down over the course of the book.  I’ve said it many times over the years, but it’s such an easy thing to fix that it just gets on my nerves.  Still no price, so I’ll go with $1 again, and you might like it just fine if you’re a little less annoyed about this sort of thing than I am…


Update for 12/7/09

New review for Tick Tick Boom by Lisa McDonnell, and if you weren’t around over the weekend you should scroll down to catch all the reviewin’ that went on.  I know, like I need to tell you that…

McDonnell, Lisa – Spring Break 2009: The Adventures of Vega and Leo



Spring Break 2009: The Adventures of Vega and Leo

I do always love the random submission.  Lisa sent along three comics, so expect to be seeing more from her here in the near future.  She also sent along a nice little fold-out with material from her comics and some other art, a sort of primer on her work, which would be a great idea for more people to put together who are looking for a concise (and free) way to get themselves out there.  One thing was immediately apparent with this comic: she has a great gift to pack a lot of material into a small comic.  The actual story here is only 6 pages long, but she manages to tell the story of how these two got a free vacation on spring break, what exactly they did on said break, what gifts they came home with and how they got right with the world upon arriving.  On a website full of oversimplified synopses of comic stories, that has to be one of the most oversimplified, but it’s either that or ruin this.  OK fine, I’ll throw a little more out there.  Highlights include Leo’s bug obsession, the giant blinking eye, the crystal skull exhibit (closed until 2010) and, of course, Lake Titicaca.  School children everywhere, rejoice: it is a real place.  The price tag is a mystery (going by heft alone I’d say $1), but it’s already apparent that she has a distinct voice and I look forward to seeing what else I learn from her other two comics.
