Hosler, Jay – Sandwalk Adventures


Sandwalk Adventures

If this guy keeps this up (“this” meaning putting out a great all-ages graphic novel every couple of years) he might end up being the first famous educational cartoonist in the world. Both of the books he’s done so far should be taught in classrooms and there are very few people I can say that about. Anyway, the collected version of this book is much better than its parts. The cover is from #5 as I just read all of the issues in a row and there’s no image up for the cover yet on Amazon, if anybody cares. I think he did a much better job with this series of really making things entertaining for everybody too. I felt with Clan Apis that he was leaning towards writing for kids mostly, or maybe he was just getting the hang of things, but this is a much better effort all around. The appendix in the back of the book is invaluable too. It’s good to see that pile of books that I can show to absolutely everyone who’s interested in comics growing by leaps and bounds. It’s $14 on Amazon right now and well worth a look. The art has gotten crisper, the writing is downright adorable (I mean that in a scholarly, educational way, of course) and it just comes together really well.

Posted on April 24, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Hosler, Jay – Sandwalk Adventures.

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