Ioffreda, Jenika – Vampire Free Style #2


Vampire Free Style #2

OK, this time around things were a bit harder to follow. Chances are all will be revealed after the next issue (and the inside cover has a list of characters, something this issue sorely needed), but for now it’s all a bit muddled. I’m still not entirely clear on the story of this guy who can tell that the cat is really a girl (assuming that it is really a girl), and I’m not completely sure why the cat hates Auntie Margarhita. Anyway, minor things, as it’s still as eerie and mildly unnerving as the first issue. This time around Edward sees a vision of something trying to hurt the cat/girl, some stars come down to try and help the cat remember who it is, and the witches try their own spell to move things along. This is really one of those “in between” issues, so nothing was really resolved or identified. The next issue should convince me one way or the other, and I’m even more on the fence than usual right now. This could end up being a pile of style over substance, or it could all coalesce into a genuinely great gothic love story. Find out next time!? And what did I say last time, $5? Something like that, or check out that website above and see what you can see…

Posted on April 24, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Ioffreda, Jenika – Vampire Free Style #2.

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