Pinchera, Rick – Crust



Ah, newspaper strips. There aren’t too many of them that are funny, honestly. Think about the ones that you read in the paper (if you even bother to read them at all) and think of how many of them make you laugh out loud. Any at all? Crust is a collection of daily strips from Rick with material from between 4 and 5 years ago. Some of it made me smile a little bit, but nothing really struck me as tremendously funny. It doesn’t help that it’s all five years old and newspaper humor is really topical and timely these days. The jokes are obsolete a few weeks after you read them. Still, there were flashes here that he could carry a comic story all the way through, if given the chance. As this stuff is older, I’m not sure what else, if anything, he has done. Maybe he’s honed his skills at a weekly strip, or maybe he’s working on a bigger comic, of maybe he’s the manager of a McDonald’s somewhere. Tell you what. If you see anything new by this guy, pick it up and send it to me. I’ll pay for the postage and the book and all that, I’m just curious to see what he’s up to. As for this one, you can probably get if from Top Shelf. I didn’t see it on the page, but if you request it I’m sure they have some copies laying around somewhere.

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