Lachowski, Kris – Gross Jam



Gross Jam

This is exactly what you might expect from a comic with that title: a series of jam comics with some, well, gross subject matter.  These aren’t meant to be actual stories so much as attempts on grossing out the reader and a good chance for the creator to go a little nuts, so it’s silly to review them as such.  It is pretty gross, but most of the stories are at least mildly amusing which, I believe, is why comics were invented.  OK fine, I’ll get into the content a bit.  Stories in here include the birth of the antichrist as the result of an ill-advised trip to Wendy’s (that ends abruptly, but as I already mentioned that this isn’t about the stories I suppose that’s OK), a man in hell musing that he has it relatively easy (with Justin Lynch), pooing from an airship (with Justin and Mary Lachowski), a romantic walk spoiled by monkeys (with Justin), dildo fun, a jab at the censors, and tree sex.  I mentioned when it was a jam, or at least when it was mentioned that it was a jam comic, for those of you who are curious.  I’ll leave aside the question of why it took three people to come up with some of this stuff but hey, that’s the fun of jam comics!  He has better stuff on this page if you’re just looking for a sampling of his work, but if you’re all about the gross-out this is the one for you.  $1


Posted on April 24, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Lachowski, Kris – Gross Jam.

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