Porcellino, John – King Cat #67


King Cat #67 Now Available! $3

How on earth did I miss a King Cat?  For those of you who read these reviews sequentially (i.e. every person who clicks on John’s name, I imagine), I somehow didn’t read this one, even though it was actually sitting in a box, in my room with all the other comics available for sale, for a couple of years.   Seeing as how I almost certainly wouldn’t have this website and/or still be reading comics if it wasn’t for John, that’s baffling.  But enough about me, how about the comic?  Go ahead and scroll around the page if you want, there will probably be no shock here: I loved it.  It’s odd reading these things out of order, as by #69 John seems to be in a much happier place, but things were much different in the dark days of #67.  A few of the stories are just John lying in bed, obviously unable to sleep, worrying about various aspects of his life or life in general.  He’s also clearly in some pain from what appears to be stomach surgery of some kind, but is unwilling to really complain about it.  Ah, that good old “heartland” stoicism.  Stories in here include sleeping in the car in L.A. with his cat (after the hotel wouldn’t allow pets), getting advice from teaboxes, Maisie’s eyes, a tale of courting his wife from back in the old days, and, as he couldn’t leave it on such a depressing note, the story of a walk that left him with a strong sense of hope.  There’s also a fantastic text piece about Square-Head John, and you can guess what stories would come from such a name but I’m not going to spoil a thing.  Highly recommended, as always, and only crazy people aren’t already reading this book religiously.  Are you a crazy person?  $3

Posted on April 26, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Porcellino, John – King Cat #67.

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