Stanley, David – In A Rut

Website (down as of 4/5/10)

In A Rut

This is about 3/4 (judging from the website, anyway) of an issue, so anything I say here is subject to change. It’s disjointed right now, obviously, but this sample showed some potential. This is the story of a family, basically, as they go through their day. There’s a young boy who’s starting to get interested in girls, his older sister who chats with her friends about boys, and their mom, who’s trying to help her friend fight off the unwanted advances of her boss. It could go either way from there, either bringing all this together into a coherent story or maybe making it even more muddled, who knows? This is the fifth issue of an ongoing series, so I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that it’s going to make more sense when it’s all together. It’s OK, worth a look anyway, and I think it was $1.

Posted on April 26, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Stanley, David – In A Rut.

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