Wright, Chris – Legba



From what I can tell, a lot of the best work being done in comics these days is coming from Georgia. What up with that? Is it something in the water? An active support group for creators? Coincidence? Whatever the case, it’s become almost like a “Top Shelf” guarantee of quality. This book, for example, is tremendous. It says there are three short stories but, with the intermissions and all, reads much less coherently than that, and that’s a good thing. The first story, Rum Rug, is about an, um, man (I don’t know what these creatures are, but let’s just call them “men” now for lack of a better term) who is absolutely wallowing in despair. At his lowest, he is hit by a man who is looking to get with the main character’s ex-fiancee. I sampled the first intermission because it’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen, so I won’t waste time talking about it. The second story… ah, why try to describe it when I can give a quote: “LOOK! My heart has been fisted too!” Then there’s another intermission, followed by Merciful Gift, which is mostly about art and the failure of people to interpret it correctly. Or that’s what I got out of it, along with many, many other things, as I did with everything here. Look, the guy is a poet. I got something out of some random, unconnected sentences when I went through this again because this book was obviously done over time with a lot of love. I think this is one of the oddest, funniest, most unique books that I’ve read from SPX so far. It’s $3 and something that people should read, so send the man an e-mail and see what else he has around too, OK?

Posted on April 27, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Wright, Chris – Legba.

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