Ballard, Derek – Relax, Bro And Let It Flow!


Relax, Bro And Let It Flow!

Well, you can see for yourself how awesome that cover is, so I shouldn’t have to do too much “selling”. This is meant to be a little public service announcement, or, as it says on the back, “These motivational tracts were produced to be placed in conspicuous areas where public urination may occur”. It’s short, but it’s in full color and gorgeous, with even the background characters being interesting. And if you have some money to throw around, you could do a lot worse than to buy a bunch of these and leave them at rest stops on your next road trip. $1

Posted on April 27, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Ballard, Derek – Relax, Bro And Let It Flow!.

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