Dongery – English Conversation #1



English Conversation #1

Note to anybody who may be confused: Dongery’s real name is Flu Hartberg, but Dongery is what USS Catastrophe is calling him, so that’s what I’m going with, even if the comic tends to go by his actual name. As for the comic, if you like cute, off-kilter foreign spellings of English words, you’re in luck! Flu and a few of his friends head off for a trip to a cabin, and this issue mostly deals with them arguing about the 70’s, drinking, smoking pot and hanging out with friends. Oh, and huffing gasoline. How could I leave that out? It’s a shortie but it’s a fun little comic, reading about all these kids without a care in the world, except maybe women and how to keep some sort of a buzz gong. Worth checking out, as this is one of those rare autobio comics where there’s actually stuff going on worth documenting… $2

Posted on April 27, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Dongery – English Conversation #1.

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