Frey, Sebastian – Random Milk #2


Random Milk #2

This was a totally random purchase from when I was out in L.A. There was nothing all that striking about it, but it did help that it was only $1. Was it worth it? Well, not really. It was OK, but that was about it. And it’s not that I’m writing off their talent (although they don’t say who does the writing and who does the drawing so I don’t know who is responsible for what). I’d love to see something that they’ve done in a couple of issues. They seem to have their hearts in the right place, but so does everybody who puts out their own mini. There was one page with a parody of Fisher Price dolls and it was funny for a second until I saw the bottom of the page where they apologized in case they might have offended anybody. Just in case either of them ever reads this, I have one piece of advice for them in their young careers: never apologize! If you’ve done a piece that you think later was wrong or just plain stupid and you regret doing it, then it might be OK to apologize. If you’re just doing a page where you’re afraid that you might offend some Catholics reading, and you think that it’s funny (and they must have thought it was funny or they wouldn’t have put it in the mini) then you have nothing to apologize for. Stand up for your work because by apologizing you risk offending everybody involved with your wishy-washiness. Overall it was kind of a mess without any one piece standing out as anything over average. Still, if you want to give these kids a dollar to encourage them to keep trying:

Posted on April 27, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Frey, Sebastian – Random Milk #2.

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