Furie, Matt – Boy’s Club


Boy’s Club Now Available! $5

In case you were wondering, yes, things stay pretty much the same as that sample throughout. This is the story of four roommates drinking, smoking pot, hallucinating, puking, drawing crap on the faces of their sleeping friends, farting, eating a giant hot dog, catching the bird flu, dancing, and watching tv. The hallucinations are the highlights, as there’s nothing quite like watching these creatures evolve, devolve or just generally freak out. I know there’s more going on here, but the overwhelming impression you’re left with is of drunk and/or stoned college guys messing around, doing their best not to do anything remotely productive, and the whole thing leaves me feeling kind of “meh”. It’s amusing enough on its own, more or less, but would get old in a hurry with a second issue without some major changes. That’s what I think anyway, chances are Matt could make this into a regular series and become a millionaire, it’s not like I have the slightest idea why the tastes of America are what they are. $5

Posted on April 27, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Furie, Matt – Boy’s Club.

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