Baumann, Suzanne – As Eavesdropped #3


As Eavesdropped #3

Ah, if only Suzanne was a comic making machine who could produce these things daily. I’ve enjoyed her comics for years, but these “As Eavesdropped” books are pure goodness and light. As the title implies, these are snippets of conversations that Suzanne hears while out and about, and even she rarely knows the larger context of these quotes. Which makes them even funnier! Once again, my biggest problem was limiting it to only one sample (and seeing as how these are 8 pages, it wouldn’t be at all fair of me to post more, as my only argument is “but I wanna!”), which is always a good sign in regards to the quality of a book. I’ll keep this as general as possible, but conversations overheard in this one include an awkward question about chickens, taking the name of a network too literally, having unimpeachable sources and Satan. There, that should be more than vague enough to pique your curiosity without giving too much away. One quick suggestion for Suzanne though: why not do one of these about your experiences at small press conventions? Granted, you may end up knowing the context for some of these conversations, but I’d think that those things would be a people watching bonanza. It already is for me and I’m actively wandering around at them, so if you’re stationary I’d think that it would be a gold mine. No price listed, but past issues of this were $.50, so…

Posted on April 26, 2012, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Baumann, Suzanne – As Eavesdropped #3.

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