Nowacki, Piotr – Om



I’m assuming this is common knowledge already, but if you’re not somebody who speaks English as your native language and you’re somehow reading this, please consider making your comics either silent or mostly silent like this one. Well, at least try that if you’re looking to get your books seen in lazy places like America where we speak English more often than not. Just to hammer that point home, there’s a strip on the back cover of this book that’s all in Polish and I’ve had great fun trying to figure it out. My current guess is that it’s an ad for the company that publishes this book. Either that or a reminder to always give birthday gifts. Isn’t there a comic here that I’m supposed to be talking about? The title of this one comes from the noise that our hero makes as he eats just about everything in sight, or at least tries to. Things start off with an annoying alarm clock, which our hero promptly eats, and which turns into a pretty funny running gag. Then it’s time for breakfast, so he puts a gigantic egg on the stove and eats his toothbrush. Complications arise when the egg sprouts a pair of legs, so our hero finds an alternate breakfast. And you know the best way to kill the funny? By describing each page. Anyway, from there our hero and his new friend the egg wander off to school, hilarity ensues, and their day is complete. But wait, the egg has been stolen from the fridge! Ineffective burglar attack! Tiny ninja! Helpful chicken sensei! Underwater adventures! Giant fish! Underwater pirate money request! Backwards flip! Giant octopus! There, that’s vague enough to keep it all mysterious. I should also point out that this is fun for the whole family, as kids would probably get a real kick out of this one and there aren’t any naughty things to alarm the poor dears. The price is an absolute mystery, as it doesn’t seem to be listed on his website at the moment, but it’s pretty big and nicely put together, so $5 at a bare minimum. Oh, and if you’d rather read his website in English, Google offers the option to translate it if you look through their search engine. I just didn’t want to list that version as the link, as I have no idea how long that link would last.

Posted on June 7, 2012, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Nowacki, Piotr – Om.

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