Davis, Jason & King, Jeremy – Monster Wrestling Mayhem Preview



Monster Wrestling Mayhem Preview

If you’re reading this in the future this might lack context, but here in present day it’s a Friday afternoon in August and I was in the mood for a light and fluffy comic. If and if there’s one word to describe a comics about monsters wrestling, it’s “fluffy.” Granted, I may not have thought that metaphor through. Anyway, at four pages this is more of a preview for a comic than an actual comic, but there’s still plenty in here to talk about. Please note that if you have no interest in monsters or wrestling, chances are you won’t find anything here for you. The title should have already given that away, but this is just to make it clear that the title is not ironic. Anyway, this one starts off with a match between a mummy and a zombie. Which, as the announcers pointed out, would be a very slow match. Anyway, it’s going along fine under “zombie rules” (meaning that any zombie can replace the zombie in the ring until one of them is pinned) until a mysterious figure appears in the crowd and comes down to the ring. Spoiler alert: it’s a yeti. For such a short comic they did manage to pack in a few goodies for wrestling fans. The opening page with the crowd scene had all kinds of recognizable faces/signs/t-shirts in it, and the artist did some good work with the basic wrestling moves. I’m intrigued to see if anything comes from this, as it sure seems like this could be made into a regular comic series with little trouble. If this is all that ever comes of the idea, that would be a shame. No price listed, but I’m guessing probably a buck.


Posted on August 14, 2015, in Reviews and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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