Herr, Luke & Tenney, Joseph – Legion of Peace House



Legion of Peace House

Here’s a problem I’ve never encountered in all my years blathering about comics: how do I review a kegger? Because this comic is basically an illustrated kegger, featuring characters I don’t know but who mostly resemble more famous comic characters. There’s the guy who talks really fast and must be the Flash analogue, the guy who’s Clark Kent but as a teen… and I guess that’s it. There’s also a walking keg, but it isn’t mentioned if he dreads keggers (because wouldn’t they kill him?) or love them, but I’m guessing from the tone of the comic that he loves them. Then there’s the lady hero, who becomes gigantic to more quickly take down a keg. And that’s about it, really. There’s also mention that them doing this has broken the time stream, which might make sense if I knew more about these characters, but I don’t, so it doesn’t. Six pages doesn’t do a lot to introduce a team, but that’s mostly my fault for not having the money to buy all the books from all the tables at SPACE this year. Wait, that doesn’t make sense. Anyway, this comic was fine. I can see it being funny and clever in a stretched out setting, or I could also see this being about as good as it gets. No way of knowing without more information, so check it out at your own risk I guess?


Posted on December 11, 2015, in Reviews and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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