Thalheimer, Anne – Booty #18


Booty #18

Eek, that cover looks terrible. Sorry, it really looks better than that in real life. Don’t know where I’ve been, but Anne has apparently been doing this for 17 issues already (unless she decided to start on #18 just to confuse me), and it’s great stuff. It’s basically a diary strip, with most of the stories being 1-3 pages long. She talks about a variety of things, including her troubles with teaching school, her need to get as far away as possible sometimes, the reason why she had to dye her hair red, and her terrible relationship with her grandmother. As far as I’m concerned this is a great addition to the ranks of autobio, even if she has been doing it for awhile and I’m just now noticing. It’s obviously heartfelt, the art is simple (not much in the way of backgrounds, which lets you focus on what’s being said, which is all that’s really important here), and I just felt an immediate connection with a lot of things that she’s going through. You can’t ask for any more than that out of an autobio comic. Send her an e-mail or just send her money (I’m guessing a couple bucks an issue and it’s well worth it, at least from what I can tell from this issue) at: Anne Thalheimer c/o Simon’s Rock College of Bard (Box 498) 84 Balford Road, Gt. Barrington, MA 01230

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