Yakin, Erez – The Silent City


The Silent City

Maybe it’s just the current state of the world (it’s 4/2/03 and we’re in the middle of a messy and indefensible war, possibly the start of something much worse), but images of a brutally oppressive government that keeps that working folks down isn’t that novel to me any more. We see stories every day about how this government or that one is keeping people from being free, and… I’m on a soapbox now, aren’t I? Sorry. The comic is about innocent children being hurt with no consequences and the working class being brutally oppressed. Striking images all over the place of a bleak, barren world. A wordless comic, I can’t imagine that any words would be needed to convey this message any more effectively. It’s a good comic, it’s just depressing to think that the message in here has been ignored so many times, and here we are… Check it out, it’s a quick read but it’s worth a look.

Posted on May 2, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Yakin, Erez – The Silent City.

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