Bagnall, John – Get Yourself a Gobstopper


Get Yourself a Gobstopper

You know what I love? I love the fact that I can come home from a crappy day of work and have a random, wonderful comic waiting for me from the UK. Can’t beat it. So, I guess I ruined the surprise a bit on this one, huh? So what’s it about? Do you still want to know after that cover and that sample? OK, fine. It’s a collection of short snippets, such as disappearing phrases, single pages about different crafts, different places and grumpy people. What I love about this is that he seems to care as much about the characters (granted, not that they’re allowed to do much in a page or two) as he does about their surroundings. It’s always great to see this level of detail put into the backgrounds without giving up a bit on the characters. It’s a bit short, but luckily he sent a few more along with this one, so I should be able to tell you more about his other works in a week or so. $3, or $8 for this and the two other minis he sent…

Posted on April 22, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Bagnall, John – Get Yourself a Gobstopper.

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