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Bagnall, John – Bushels of Coalsmoke


Bushels of Coalsmoke

A welcome problem to have when I’m trying to pick a sample from a comic is having something be worth showing on every page. It doesn’t happen often, but I honestly believe that I could have sampled anything in here (with the possible exception of a page in the long story here, just because it wouldn’t make much sense out of context) and it would show you just how incredible this is. More disappearing phrases, a sampling of some daily strips that he did, a story about the dangers of sloth and an old remedy for the flu called Police Bottle. I don’t know if I’m legally allowed to call art “quaint” without sounding like a jackass, but that’s the best that I can come up with for this. Also, every single panel in here has plenty going on. No lazy drawings of people living in a vacuum so the strip is easier to draw, there’s all kinds of detail here, the kind of stuff that’s more rewarding each time you look at it. Kudos all around on this one, I don’t have a bad thing to say about it.