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Daniels, Ezra Claytan – Disposable Boy #2


Disposable Boy #2

This is the kind of autobio that is almost uncomfortable to read. This guy bares his soul with these books and he doesn’t make anything look better than it is. He’s well aware of his own deficiencies and seems to be almost dedicated to making sure that they continue. In this one he gets invited to a party and can’t seem to make a human connection. It’s depressing to read, but the guy is an amazing writer and he tells you about things that most people wouldn’t go anywhere near. These are a couple of bucks each and, while short, are definitely worth a look. He has an e-mail address and a website, get ahold of him and have him send you some stuff, won’t you?

Daniels, Ezra Claytan – Disposable Boy #1


Disposable Boy #1

This is all about Ezra riding the bus every day. That probably sounds dull as hell, but what I failed to mention is that this is autobiography at its finest, at least in comic form. He speculates about everybody on the bus and is very conscious about how he must seem to the world. I’ll get into more details for the next issue, but the guy is talented.