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Gray, Douglas – Old School Funnies #1


Old School Funnies #1 Now Available! $2.50

Ah well, I don’t see Frankenstein here, so I’m obviously not going to like this one as much as the last one. It’s still a fun little comic, don’t get me wrong. This is basically a comic of the old Tom and Jerry cartoons, right down to the bit where one of the main characters pretends to be a mirror image of the bad guy to get him off his case. There’s a dog and a cat, see, and they both decide to take a job being a watchdog at a butcher’s shop. They are warned not to let anything bad happen OR ELSE, so of course as soon as the butcher leaves a couple of mice AND some huge dogs separately decide to rob the place blind. Hilarity ensues, or at least mild amusement, but then, I didn’t like the Tom and Jerry cartoons much after I hit my teens. Still a fun book, like I said, but you should check out the other one first if you want to see what Doug is capable of.

Gray, Douglas – My Freakish Love #1


My Freakish Love #1 Now Available! $2.50

Again, in the interests of full disclosure, it should be known that I automatically love all comics with Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolf-Man, or any of the other classics. You really have to go out of your way to get me to dislike your book after a cover like this one, and Doug didn’t manage to pull it off, as I liked this one a whole bunch. First you have Frankenstein forgetting his keys at home and stumbling upon a scene of betrayal by his wife, who happens to be having sex with a mummy. Then you have the circus strongman, after being thrown out by the fat lady, stumble his way back into the dating world. Following this is the most normal story of the bunch, about a man on a date with a girl who’s telling him about her dream, which only gets weird when the dog starts talking. Next up is a cautionary tale about why monsters and robots should never date, and finally a couple of one pagers, one of which is sampled below just so you’ll know if this book is for you. Like I said, I loved it, and you really can’t beat Doug’s brief intro to all of his past girlfriends on the inside front cover either…