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Cicerone, Michelangelo – Ozone Jones Little Book of Knock-Knock Jokes!



Ozone Jones Little Book of Knock-Knock Jokes!

If there was ever a name born to making comics, it has to be Michelangelo Cicerone. That’s a name that should be up in lights, if such a thing were possible for comics folks. As for the comic itself, this is more of a sampler that was given out on Free Comics Day in May ’06 than a “real” comic, which makes this a pretty easy review. If you enjoy the occasional knock-knock joke, then chances are you’ll love this shortie. If not, well, skip it. All of the jokes in here are based on a letter of the alphabet, and frankly there wasn’t even a funny one for me to put up for a sample. Still and all, that name alone has me curious to see more from this guy. If you can get ahold of him, chances are he’d throw this in free with another order of comics, assuming he has copies lying around…