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Skelly, Katie (editor) – Synthetic Visions #1


Synthetic Visions #1 (edited by Katie Skelly)

Yes, it’s an anthology, but it still goes on Katie’s page. Why? Because she’s the one who sent it to me, and you can get copies through her. There are four different fantasy and science fiction stories in here, and have I mentioned how excited I am that that’s the direction Katie seems to be headed? First up is Chompy by Tim Vienckowski, the story of a giant creature from another world who enjoys chomping on everything it sees. Next is Hodo by Drew Gardner, dealing with a man, a car and a hot dog… ok, this one was mostly lost on me. Next is Katie’s story, Hunter, and if I didn’t know any better I’d say that the small flying creatures from Nurse Nurse make an appearance here. Other than that it’s about an underwater woman who hunts for food. Her heart of gold is apparent when she rescues a baby whale after an attack on the mother, and if I’m not mistaken the little guy manages to shed a tear or two underwater. Finally there’s Ultra-Showdown by Taline & Shant Alexander, which is all about a war between Unicorns and Pegasi. Not to throw out any spoilers or anything, but, well… zombie unicorns. There, I said it. It’s a pretty interesting bunch of stories, and if I had one wish in the world it would be to have somebody cranking out fantasy and science fiction anthologies on a regular basis. For anybody out there interested in this sort of thing, Katie is looking for contributors, so click that link on the top of the page to send something her way. $4