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Kim, Gus – The Ultimate in Quality!



The Ultimate in Quality

Who out there has called in for one of those high paying jobs you see in the paper?  You know, “Make $20 an hour!  Call now!”  They never seem to tell you what they’re all about until you walk in the door, assuming you make it that far.  Gus was given an ultimatum one year (no idea when this comic was made, there’s nothing resembling a date anywhere on it) by his father: he has to get a job over the summer.  Not wanting to do retail, he decides to give a company he’s never heard of a try.  It turns out that they sell knives and other household goods door to door, and the phrase “hard sell” is a bit of an understatement.  Still, Gus gives it a solid try, getting in touch with people he hasn’t talked to in years, trying desperately to make a go of it.  Eventually he is defeated by the relentness awfulness that is door to door selling, but at least seems to make peace with the whole thing.  The remarkable thing about this comic is how straight he portrays everything about this process.  He attends one of those fundamentally absurd meetings designed to hype up salesmen, chock full of whatever buzz words are popular that month, and really seems to take the whole thing at face value.  Or maybe I’m just too cynical for being unable to take my various meetings seriously over the years?  Either way this is a solid mini, telling a cautionary tale for those of you who might be tempted to try this while still providing a whole pile of practical information.  Oh, and the art looked pretty damned good too.  No idea why he doesn’t have a website though, I thought that was mandatory these days…  $3
